65 is a LOT!

I never thought I’d get to 65.

Not my age…it’s the number of novels I’ve created within my lifetime, up to February 2024.

Yes, folks, that magical number is 65.

And yes, I’m more than aware it is a number that gets the ‘wow, really?’ factor whenever I have to disclose how many books that I have in print. I don’t like saying it. Believe me, introverts aren’t comfortable with praise. And most often, it’s not praise, but the look of disbelief, until proven.

That proof is in my possession, and at every book show, and on Amazon, and the debt I’ve gained by being mostly independently published. I say mostly, because the first 5 were the traditional route, as you well know.

I love my books. I loved writing them. I have even loved creating some new covers for a few of them. They are my children….all 65. If you criticize even one of my ‘babies’, I take it personally. (And then just kill you off in my next book.)